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Learn Chinese!

Small student-oriented Chinese classes for children,
teenagers & adults


China’s development is well known. The vast country of the East tends to conquer the world with its products and its economic power.


But besides Cosco, a number of other Chinese investors wish to invest in our country and contribute to its reconstruction. China’s products with competitive prices are flooding the world, Europe, Greece. At the same time, Greek products are seeking markets in China. The newly awakened dragon reaches out to conquer the world. Communist China that lived far from civilization and development is transformed day by day, with a model country, to a country that has begun to play a leading role on the world economic stage. The Chinese, with discipline and hard work, are slowly building their brilliant tomorrow.


The Chinese language is taught worldwide and there are many who invest in its knowledge in order to play a small role in the making of this giant. China, with its one and a half billion inhabitants and ten million multi-millionaires, offers many opportunities to prospective investors. Its vast markets are waiting to take and give products. Its ancient culture, which can only be compared to that of Greece, is a pole of attraction for other peoples. Monuments, nature, gastronomic delights, are waiting to charm visitors. This vast country is an example of structure and development for the civilized and developed West.


Chranioti Educational Centers in Nea Smirni and Ilioupoli is a byword for success in foreign languages Every year our students through the organized teaching-learning processes manage to develop, and be activated and led to the top. Joining a small student-oriented group, our students ignite their ambition through healthy competition and constantly increase their effort, following the overall pace of the class and 100% succeeding in obtaining their diplomas in Chinese and foreign languages in general.


Teaching Chinese at CHRANIOTI Educational Centers in Nea Smirni starts from within us, passing on our knowledge and culture to the next generation. Through our exemplary teaching, we offer the necessary resources that will support our student to develop professionally and establish their position in society. We provide comprehensive and modern study programmes, constantly reviewing and enriching our bibliography, we work on a personal level and provide our students with a unique learning experience. Native Chinese teachers prepare children for proper Chinese pronunciation and vocabulary learning. Chinese becomes a fun and interesting exploration for children and adults.


International Certification by Hanban (Beijing University) HSK 1-6

Our foreign languages programmes

Learning a foreign language nowadays is a necessary resource for the personal and professional development
of an individual. Our Centers offer English and other European language classes for children and adults!


Learn Italian!

It is the language spoken by more than 130 million people around the world.


Learn Spanish!

Start wandering in a language that makes you dream, explore and get excited.


Learn Greek!

With our "Greek for Foreigners" program, the student acquires the necessary language skills in order to shape their everyday life more easily and quickly.
